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그린리더십 교과과정 Green Leadership Certificate Program

Features of GLP


Characteristics of the Program

There are three specific objectives of the Green Leadership curriculum. First is to incorporate the knowledge of sustainability into the existing disciplines. With foundations in their respective majors, students will be able to complement their expertise with knowledge of sustainability.

Second is to foster social design ability. The paradigm shift into a sustainable society requires leaders who can reorganize and reform social institutions and infrastructures accordingly.

The third objective is to foster true leadership that can inspire society to forgo the immediate benefits in order to achieve long-term sustainable development goals.

  1. Inter-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach
    Collaborate among disciplines and sectors
  2. Design and Synthesis Ability
    Respond to climate change and facilitate sustainability by (re)designing social institutions
  3. Leadership
    Incorporate green perspectives and inspire others to act
  4. Internship
    Cultivate Green Leadership through applying knowledge to the real world
  5. Certification
    Minister of Environment Certifies SNU Green Leaders

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그린리더십 교과과정 (Green Leadership Certificate Program)
주소 : (우)06130, 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 지속가능발전연구소
대표전화 : 02-880-2665 , 팩스 : 02-588-4993, 웹사이트 : https://isd.snu.ac.kr/greenleadership/ Copyright © Green Leadership Certificate Program. All Rights Reserved.